From Zoom In!! Saturday – 21 October, 2017.
The time now is 6.48am. This is my first try at weather reporting, I’m Yamazaki Kento. Here is today’s weather. East Japan and, left–west wwwwww–
I don’t know why he even said ‘hidari’ (left) in the first place, but when he realized his mistake, he just stood there LAUGHING! OMG it’s a live broadcast yo hahaha~ But he was so adorable ne. This will go down in history as yet another one of Yamazaki Kento’s classic baka moments.
LOL wasn’t everyone joke about this in the aisatsu after that… “migi nihon~ hidari nihon~” ???
yah!!! honto! only kento would say something like hidari-nihon~?