13 thoughts on “(Eng Sub) Rikuoh ep 04

  1. Thanks SO much for your hard work!! 🙂 This series is FABULOUS!! 🙂 How soon can you sub the remainder?? I’m sitting on pins and needles!! 🙂 LOL!!! 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for subbing this dorama – I´m a big fan of Kento and so I´m really happy to see this one subbed ^-^. Merry Christmas!

  3. Hontoni arigato gozaimasu, all my friends here in Tokyo talk about this show and I am so far behind, but thanks to you I can catch up.

    Please let us know when 5 is coming, we are all looking forward to it.


  4. Hahaha i laughed at your ‘normal’ comment! Thank you for subbing and making it available for me to download it! hehehe I heart you muchos!

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