MUFG posters – Making (April 2018)
It’s time for another round of posters for Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, and the new making video has been posted on their official YT channel.
Kento Yamazaki Fansite 山﨑賢人ファンサイト
It’s time for another round of posters for Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, and the new making video has been posted on their official YT channel.
From 4/20, the new CM for Kao 「Liese FOR MEN」 will be aired. This time I play a young working adult! Please watch! #liese for men #watery whip #instant fix foam Watch the 15s CM:
Yamazaki Kento appeared at an event held in Tokyo to launch the new CM, unveil the new Kagome Yasai Seikatsu 100 smoothie bar and its ‘master’, the ambassador of ‘healthy snacking’. Here are some video reports… From Fieldcaster: From Maidigi: […]
From Kento’s Instagram post today: kentooyamazaki Two of me. Yasai Seikatsu 100 Smoothie New CM starts from 3/20 #kagome #healthy snacking
Kagome JP has shared the making video of the Yasai Seikatsu 100 Smoothie CM, “the smoothie bar close to you” version! This is an unlisted video on youtube~
Check out the page for Kagome Yasai Seikatsu 100’s Peel & Herb series. This little pic is cute too ↓
From the 「Liese for Men」 official site: The “watery whip” series The “watery lotion” series (which will launch on 7 Apr, 2018) My favourite is that first image of the watery whip series. Love that sleepy look =D
Yasai Seikatsu 100 “You’ll come to love vegetables – Deliciousness” 15s CM: Making:
Ver. A 15s 30s Ver. B 15s 30s Making
Yamazaki Kento and Ishihara Satomi in the latest Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ commercial. This CM is really cute ne! =D 30s ver. 60s ver.