Yamazaki Kento appeared at an event held in Tokyo to launch the new CM, unveil the new Kagome Yasai Seikatsu 100 smoothie bar and its ‘master’, the ambassador of ‘healthy snacking’. Here are some video reports…
From Fieldcaster:
From Maidigi:
And from Oricon, which also includes the new CM itself:
When Kento first saw the life-size mannequin, he was surprised as to how detailed it was made, even down to the skin condition and touch. His reaction when he first touched “his” hand~ LOL. A tasting event was held yesterday at Tokyo Midtown where visitors can try one of the 4 flavours for free. This event will also be held in Osaka (Yodobashi Umeda) and Nagoya (JR Station) on 21st and 24th March respectively. That life-size figurine and the smoothie bar truck that appeared in the CM will be there too. If you’re going down, do check the timings in the below image!
Here are selected photos from the presscon from various sources:
Do check out the CM @ Kagome YT, and the Making that was posted the other day.
Thank you so much for sharing these clips, you rock! Kenken.