Music Station’s Tweets on 15 June, 2018

Msute shared a backstage two-shot of Tsujii Nobuyuki and Yamazaki Kento, before the live broadcast of the show. They also shared a video 🙂 #辻井伸行 さん #山﨑賢人 さんが #Mステカメラ ?に初登場〜今夜は映画『羊と鋼の森』でエンディングテーマ曲『TheDreamoftheLambs』で主演の山﨑賢人さんとMステ初共演!Mステは今夜20時から生放送?お楽しみに? — music station (@Mst_com) June 15, 2018 His hair!!! […]

Good Doctor’s Tweet on 7 June, 2018

\\✨Finally tonight? we will release our first trailer✨// Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to keep you waiting!!! During the broadcast of tonight’s #MonteCristoHaku from 10pm, the #GoodDoctor trailer will be aired for the first time!!! Please be sure to watch it real […]