Posted on 2014-05-03 20:50:27 Episode 4! Today Yowakutemo Katemasu Episode 4 Like in prep school the baseball team puts exams before anything Even during such a busy studying period we will think of match tactics the Jotoku way. From 9pm onwards Please watch. Then Let me introduce my…
Posted on 2014-02-24 17:27:10 Yowakutemo Katemasu Yowakutemo Katemasu Will start in April NTV Saturdays 9pm 「Yowakutemo Katemasu: Aoishi-sensei to Heppoko Koukou Kyuuji no Yabou」 In this drama I will play the role of Ebato Kouki. Each member is very unique The one who gather us together, our…
Posted on 2014-04-05 19:16:52 Men Today From 10pm 「Arashi ni Shiyagare」 will be aired With 「Yowakutemo Katemasu: Aoshi-sensei to Heppoko Koukou Kyuuji no Yabou」’s Fukushi-kun, Nakajima-kun, and everyone from Arashi 「The Ueno Ameyoko Story of 8 Men」 Please watch!