Suda Masaki’s 3rd single “Sayonara Elegy”, theme song for NTV drama “Todome no Kiss” (Kiss that Kills) will release on 21 February, 2018. There’s only one edition of the single, a CD which consists of 3 tracks as follows:
【MV released!】 The music video of 「Sayonara Elegy」 by Suda Masaki, theme song of drama #todomenokiss is released! Yamazaki Kento-san, whom he co-stars with in the drama, appears in the MV! Please watch the full size♪ ▼Here's the MV [*note: only viewable in Japan] ▼「Sayonara Elegy」 digital release
I really find it hard to translate this song, I dont know exactly what is the right interpretation to be use in this, because there’s so many possible interpretation/words that can be used to translate this. Just look at those different translations made by fans and pros, it’s really difficult.
Thank you so much for posting this, love the song and happy to be able to see the full MV <3
Would it be too much to ask for lyrics translation? ^^
thanks for sharing!
I really find it hard to translate this song, I dont know exactly what is the right interpretation to be use in this, because there’s so many possible interpretation/words that can be used to translate this. Just look at those different translations made by fans and pros, it’s really difficult.