Update: The movie has been released on Amazon Prime Video, and is also available on official english-subtitled DVD and Bluray. Please support the sales if you can!
Without further ado, here’s the english subs of the JJBA DIU live action movie! Being a JoJo fan myself, I really enjoyed subbing this, and I hope you enjoy watching it too! If you wanna know how the DVD/BD Collector’s Edition looks like, please refer to my tweet last week. The making was awesome! We all need more Josuke x Okuyasu love ne =D
Thanks a lot for the subbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! XDDDDDDDDDDDd
Where is the download link?
what’s the password xD
It’s there after “PW:”
Pls highlight to see/copy.
click the spoiler tab, the sharer left it there for you to find
Are you thinking of doing the bonus discs too?
Also, could I have permission to repost this onto Youtube? I’ll be sure to put the source with this site link in the description.
Oh thanks for this, but why did you choose this specific day to post it? XD
aaaaa thank you so so much I’m so happy:”””) been looking for the subs for months:( please sub hyouka too if you have any time doing it:)b
OMG what a great surprise ! Thanks a lot !
Thanks for this awesome suprise <3 love the quality and the superb translation 10/10
Thanks a lot!!!!!
Thanks a lot for the subs. I already watched in cinema, but I want to keep all Kento’s movies. :*
Thank you so much ! I can’t believe to have it so fast after the release ! Crazy work ! You’re amazing
asdfghjkl!!! Thank you soooooooooooo much for subbing. So fast!
This was really a good movie! I wish I had time for the manga but my enjoyment of this on a Sunday afternoon was pure joy!! THANK YOU!!!!!
Thanks a lot for subbing!!!
thank youuuuuuuuuuu so much for dubbing! omg so kind of you :3 I’m so much happy Xd
May i know when for Hyouka? Ive copy but no sub ‘_’
thank you very much…. please upload the bonus discs too
Thanks so much for the sub I’ve been looking every where for it! <3
Do you have the subtitles files? I’d love to do a spanish version
sorry, we do not release soft subs. thanks for your understanding.
Ohh that’s a shame
I’d take even a google translated version
I understand though, cheers!
Oh my god a LEGEND. Thanks so much! You keep doing all the hard work. Bless you!
error in the download link ? please help
it’s working fine, hope u’re able to dl successfully.
Hi, we’d like to make an Italian version of your translation, can you send me the softsub of the movie? of course we keep your credit on it!
hi there, sorry we don’t release softsubs.
Thank you so much though I already watched this, I just want to compile all his movies and series ~ありがとうございます。。?
Plz release a soft-sub version,thanks !
Thank you so much BRO!!!!!! Ive been looking for this subbed version for a very very very long TIME!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!
anyone got softsubs? appreciate it if you can give link/
thank you, I’m so happy, I also waiting for todome no parallel ending chapter >.<
hi, not sure if you already found it, but i actually released todome no parallel final ep before jojo
Please could u share ur softsubs I like to use them to translate in portuguese.
sorry, we don’t release softsubs. thanks for your understanding~
Any way you can upload it somewhere else? Mediafire is blocked on my laptop
i see… any way you can use an unblocker?
Can you tell what the is the pass of the zip?
It’s there after “PW:”
Pls highlight to see/copy.
For a second i didnt what were you talking about until i long pressed the space i was about to reply i didnt see it.
i see. hope you’re able to get it now
OMG, thank you sooooo much!!! :'( Heavens bless you!!
Thank you for subs! Firstly I though it’s april joke but it wasn’t
So thank you! 
haha i didn’t even realize it was april fool’s until i saw the rts and comments ?
Where is the subtitles download link? I looked and looked but I can’t find. Please let me know.
It’s below the image, called “MF”
I haven’t read the manga or seen the anime but I really wanted to watch this and was totally not expecting to find it with subs available!! (I’d been looking for some time!) I was really happy to find this.. thank you so much for providing subtitles!! I really ended up enjoying this movie so much! The story with the brothers/father really got me at the end. I especially enjoyed the performances of both the actors for Keicho and Okuyasu~ Everyone did a great job. Thanks again^^
can you upload the srt file only. Thank you
sorry, we’re not releasing softsubs for this~
Thank you soooooo much!!!!
omg I was so excited for this, thank you SO SO much!! hugely appreciate it!! <333
how do i download the sub help please
click on the MF link below the image to get to the download page
thank you
Thanks so much!! Looks like fun
Thank you so much for the subs

Please sub saiki kusuo and hyouka too please
Please am dying to watch them !!
Kento love
Thanks very very much. Kento looks awesome here. ??
This must have taken ages to do, thank you a million for subbing and sharing!! I’m really looking forward to watching it <3
I can’t download the file.
the dl link has been updated~
great thank you , beyond cool
link not updated~
link has been updated
I don’t know how to watch it
DL, unzip and watch in vlc
I’m on mobile but I don’t know how watch this
It says that to access it, I have to put in a password because it’s encrypted
the password is provided above, after the “PW:” (highlight/select to see/copy)
how to download pls
dm me on twi~