Hyouka Twitter celebrates 10,000 followers!

Tweet from @hyouka_movie on 4 September, 2017: / ㊗️10k followers? \ To commemorate 10k followers for『#hyoukamovie』official Twitter, we’ve received congratulatory messages from our leads Yamazaki-san & Hirose-san?? Thank you, everyone, for your support✨ /㊗️1万フォロワー?\ 『#映画氷菓』公式Twitterの1万フォロワー突破を記念して、主演の山﨑さん&広瀬さんからお祝いコメントを頂きました?? 皆さま応援ありがとうございます✨ pic.twitter.com/g4oX4fLLm8 — 映画『氷菓』公式 (@hyouka_movie) […]

Finally, some Hyouka news!

After 6 months of silence, there’s finally some news on Hyouka Live Action movie! Okayama Amane who is Kento’s good friend in real life will also play his good friend Satoshi in the movie! Kojima Fujiko will play Mayaka. The four main […]