WIP for Ichifure Location Map

In a tweet by producer Ishizuka today: The Ichifure Location Map will be completed soon! It’ll be loaded with information on various locations like Seiseki Sakuragaoka and Minamidaira. Please look forward to it ? #Isshuukan Friends #Seiseki Sakuragaoka #Whisper of the Heart Lovely […]

Kento’s video message on ichifure day!

As today is “ichifure day”, the keyword of this movie is “please be friends with me”. If there’s someone you’d like to be friends with, please try to convey your feelings today. ㊗「#いちフレの日」?✨山﨑賢人さんからも「いちフレの日」のお祝いコメントが到着❣来年も友達と「いちフレの日」をお祝いし合ってもらえたらうれしいです?#いちフレ#一週間フレンズ#映画 pic.twitter.com/UhnEUrL6EB — 映画「一週間フレンズ。」公式 (@ichifure_movie) January 20, 2017