Kento’s fourth time on VSA and the only time in 2015. Heroine Shikkaku team vs Arashi. This is also the first time Kentos did the Cliff Climb.
MF (1.66gb) pw: site name/url
One of my favourite parts was when Nino talked about how Kento was during filming (in Yowakutemo Katemasu), and how tennen and a weird kid he was, and Kiritani and Fukuda’s reactions were like, “He’s weird, he’s weird.” XD Also the bowling game when Mirei-chan shared about how Kento walked in when she was changing. “I was wearing a beige innerwear, beige underwear, and beige tights…” (Kentos: “I thought at that moment that she was naked.”). “If I’m gonna be looked at anyway, it’d have been better if I were wearing my best underwear.” Kento said his first thought was “Oh my, she’s naked!” then he shut the door tight lol.
Thanks for sharing wonderful news and videos. I have became a new fan of him after I watched heroine shikkaku. I downloaded this video but the password was accepted. Did I miss something? I have tried this:
Thanks again
I am glad that I have found you. It’s really hard to find an eng sub for his videos
hi, this is the raw file, not subbed…
Sorry I would say the password was not accepted. Could you share the password with me?
sorry for the late reply. the password should be correct. it’s the url without the www. also, maybe it’s the program that is used to unzip… i think it works with 7-zip.
i cant unzip too. The paswords are not correct
hi, i just tried downloading and unzipping using 7-zip, and it worked. the password is correct. i’ve heard that it might not unzip with other programs, so please use 7-zip to unzip it. thanks!
Cannot unzip with 7-zip even though I used the url as the password…
Thanks for help!
Hello, I also couldn’t unzip it even using 7-zip.
nevermind, i’ve been using the full url. went through your other comments and figured out that it was only supposed to be the site name
hi! i Downloaded, but unfortunately, it can be extracted since the password is incorrect, could you please help me? anyway thank you in advance
hi, please use 7-zip to unzip. the password has 18 characters.
hi! i’m wondering do you have any eng sub of vs arashi videos?
I don’t, but you might be able to find them in arashi comms~